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EXCEL for Accountants & HR
- Accountants Basic Skills, Advanced Microsoft Office, Business Development, Leaders and Entrepreneur, Marketing and Sales
- 127 (Registered)
Course Description
“Microsoft Excel 2016 – Basic to Advance Training Course”
কাদের জন্য এবং কেন ?
প্রতিটি জব সার্কুলেশনে ও চাকুরীর ইন্টারভিউতে Advance Excel এর কাজ জানার উপর গুরুত্ব দেওয়া হয়। কর্মক্ষেত্রে Sales, Cost, CRM, Accounts, HR সহ যাবতীয় Data Management এর জন্য সবচেয়ে বেশি ব্যবহার হয় MS EXCEL । এটি সবচেয়ে সহজলভ্য ও বহুল Spreadsheet Application, পেশাগত দক্ষতা বাড়াতে যার বিকল্প নেই।
ডাটা এনালাইসিস, রিপোর্টিং, প্রেসেন্টেশনের জন্য জানা দরকার MS EXCEL এর Advance Knowledge। তাই চাকুরিপ্রার্থী, চাকুরীজীবি ও ব্যবসায়ী সবারই প্রয়োজন MS EXCEL শিখায় কিছু মূল্যবান সময় বিনিয়োগ করা।
Basic to advance MS Excel by Microsoft Certified Trainers.
কোর্সের আলোচ্য বিষয়গুলো একনজরে :
➡️ Getting Started with Microsoft® Excel® 2016
➡️ Excel Workbook Management
➡️ Orientation with Excel
➡️ Formatting Data (Shorting, Filtering, Arrangement)
➡️ Advance Functions (IF, IFS, VLOOKUP,HLOOKUP)
➡️ Advance Tools & Big Data Management(TABLE,SLICE)
➡️ Data Review & Automation by Excel(Pivot Table, Pivot Chart)
➡️ Advance Charts (Developer & Macro’s).
If you are a newbie to managing a WordPress website, then congratulations! You are here at the right track with us because we are going to introduce you one of the most basic knowledge when owning a WordPress page: how to find your site the best WordPress Hosting service. This process is often overlooked by most of the website owners. But it can be considered the most important key point to bring your site to stand out of the crowd. A great hosting service could help you to improve SEO and increase sales as well.
Learning Outcomes
- Over 37 lectures and 55.5 hours of content!
- LIVE PROJECT End to End Software Testing Training Included.
- Learn Software Testing and Automation basics from a professional trainer from your own desk.
- Information packed practical training starting from basics to advanced testing techniques.
- Best suitable for beginners to advanced level users and who learn faster when demonstrated.
- Course content designed by considering current software testing technology and the job market.
- Practical assignments at the end of every session.
- Practical learning experience with live project work and examples.
Fin & Account Dept, Haque & Sons. Ltd > CEO Ingress IT, > Tally Authorized Partner > QuickBooks & Xero Certified Accountant
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